Novos eventos do Mapping out a acontercer! 

Durante a vista da equipa da Noruega que terá lugar de 24 a 30 de Novembro, duas atividades abertas ao público estão planeadas. 

A conferência final,  The Centrality of Mobilization Against Migration in Europe: Why, How and to What Effect?” , terá lugar no ICS no dia 29 de Noevembro às 11.00.

No dia 30 de Novemebro, às 10.00 no ISCTe terá lugar a sessão de policy brief “Mobilization Against Migration in Europe: Drivers and Impacts”.

As duas sessões serão conduzidas pelo professor Kristian Berg Harpviken do parceiro norueguês Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Harpviken estuda há muito tempo o Afeganistão e a região circundante. Os seus principais interesses de investigação são a migração em tempo de guerra, os movimentos e a mobilização transnacionais, a segurança regional e a dinâmica da guerra civil. É um comentador frequente nos meios de comunicação social e dá regularmente palestras a audiências académicas e populares. É autor de Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan (Palgrave MacMillan, 2009) e (com Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh), A Rock Between Hard Places: Afghanistan as an Arena of Regional Insecurity (Hurst, 2016).

Juntem-se a nós!

New Mapping Out Event to happen!


During the team’s visit to Norway, which will take place from 24 to 30 November, two activities open to the public are planned.

The final conference, “The Centrality of Mobilisation Against Migration in Europe: Why, How and to What Effect?“, will take place at the ICS on 29 November at 11.00 am. will take place at the ICS on 29 November at 11.00.


On 30 November, at 10.00 am, the policy brief “Mobilisation Against Migration in Europe: Drivers and Impacts” will be held at ISCTE.


Both sessions will be led by Professor Kristian Berg Harpviken from the Norwegian partner Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Harpviken has long studied Afghanistan and the surrounding region. His main research interests are wartime migration, transnational movements and mobilisation, regional security and the dynamics of civil war. He is a frequent commentator in the media and regularly lectures to academic and popular audiences. He is the author of Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan (Palgrave MacMillan, 2009) and (with Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh), A Rock Between Hard Places: Afghanistan as an Arena of Regional Insecurity (Hurst, 2016).


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