19a Conferência Imiscoe em Oslo, Juho 2022

A equipa ‘Mapping out’ apresentou o trabalho “An European exception: Anti-immigration Activism in Portugal” no painel “Reaching Out to Close the Border: understading Transnationalization of Anti-Immigration Movements in Europe” organizado por Kristian Berg Harpviken (PRIO, nosso parceiro norueguês) na 19ª Conferência do IMISCOE em Olso, de 29 de junho a 1 de julho de 2022. A IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network) é a maior rede de investigação interdisciplinar da Europa no domínio dos estudos sobre migração, integração e diversidade. O evento reúne toda a equipa do MAM, Manes Weisskircher (PRIO), Pietro Castelli Gattinara (Universidade de Oslo, C-REX), Aleksandra Lewicki (Universidade de Sussex), Maddison Clark (Universidade de Sussex) e Raffaele Bazurli (Universidade Queen Mary de Londres) para apresentar os resultados

mapping out

Thais França, Mapping Out, coordinator.

Venue: OsloMet, Oslo

19th Imiscoe Conference in Oslo, July 2022

The ‘Mapping out’ team presented the paper “An European exception: Anti-immigration Activism in Portugal” in the panel “Reaching Out to Close the Border: understading Transnationalization of Anti-Immigration Movements in Europe” organized by Kristian Berg Harpviken (PRIO, our Norwegian partner) at the IMISCOE 19th Conference in Olso, 29th of June to 1st of July, 2022. IMISCOE  (International Migration Research Network) is Europe’s largest interdisciplinary research network in the field of migration, integration and diversity studies. The event gather together the whole MAM team  Manes Weisskircher (PRIO), Pietro Castelli Gattinara (University of Oslo, C-REX), Aleksandra Lewicki (University of Sussex),  Maddison Clark (University of Sussex) and Raffaele Bazurli (Queen Mary University of London) to present the preliminary results of their work.

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